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10th Jan 2010 Meeting update

Dear Tarangs,

A very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all of us. Indeed, it is a brilliant start with so many new faces coming forward to bring true the mission of Tarang.

Project Daayitva has gained momentum with the night children enthusiastically participating and the school enjoying 100% attendance, a record achievement.

Rishi gifted four children free passes from Cancer Aid Association for a STAR NITE, which turned out to be awesome and memorable for them. 4 Night school children went for celebrity dinner at Taj Hotel.

This meeting saw a lot more clarity in structuring. The minutes of the meeting on January 10th are as follows:


To gauge competency of a couple of teachers from Night school who have volunteered to teach in Project Lakshya
To introduce some more fields in the Volunteer Form in the website for more specificity
To structure the syllabus for English by the end of the month
To design a syllabus on computer education
To have camps to counsel children on future possibilities
Design banners of TARANG ‘Project Lakshya’ –Paving way for the future
Introduce an attendance sheet to monitor child progress
Organize a Sports day for children of Powai and Night school

While the mission is gaining momentum and going great we would love to have all those who have and are committed to be fully present.

When all of you are present as promised on time the strength and energy will be multiplied and mission will gain velocity.
NEXT MEETING: 14th February 2010 TIME: 3 TO 5 PM

I’m Tarang